Influencer Agency in Marbella

Do you need help finding the ideal Influencer Agency in Marbella for your business? We can do it all for you without any hassle. Our team specializes in helping companies from up to 18 different industries find an Influencer Agency in Marbella that fits their needs and requirements.
We have already assisted countless businesses with this process, so if you trust us enough to make sure we get it right, don't hesitate - just click the button below. Then relax knowing we are taking care of everything for you; our recommendations are guaranteed to lead towards a successful outcome.

Influencer Marketing Agency in Marbella

In Marbella, the pool of influencer marketing agencies is growing. However, not all offer the same quality service your business needs for a successful campaign. These specialized companies in Marbella create and manage social media ads with influencers while monitoring their progress to measure profitability. With so many options in Marbella to choose from it can be difficult finding one that provides an exemplary level of workmanship.

For the past five years, Le Guide Noir has been crafting powerful campaigns for many well-known companies like Zara Home, Samsonite, Barceló and H&M. We have since become Europe's most successful provider of influencer marketing services and technology as well as one of the largest in the world.

Do not hesitate to reach out for a complimentary free consultation, no matter if you're a small business or large corporation.

Best Influencer Agencies in Marbella

Limon Publicidad
Limon Publicidad
At Limón Publicidad, stories are left behind to tell stories. Stories that connect with each one. True stories, the kind that leave their mark. They leave behind the conventional to convince. Now that disruption is the norm, they stop thinking about it to give your brand a real spin. No more excuses to bet on creativity. They stop talking to communicate in an effective, flexible and ubiquitous way. They leave their comfort zone aside to start building a better brand. They stop making noise to make sound. They leave many things behind to look at life from another point of view. Among the services they offer are online marketing, branding, advertising campaigns, web design, corporate image, Social Network management and graphic design. According to LinkedIn, the agency was founded in 2000, and currently has nearly fifty employees.
Agencia Hendrix
Agencia Hendrix
Hendrix Agency is a renowned Creative Agency that specializes in re-inventing and building brands with personality. As they describe, they are the people they are today due to each member's unique journey of creativity over the course of ten years; all converging into what is known as the "HENDRIX character". By joining forces together, their goal is to make your business undergo tangible growth - irrevocably impacting your life for the better. They will bring your ideas to life with the power of emotion, igniting passion and inspiring trust. While some concepts may be difficult to comprehend today, that's what sets you apart from the rest: being different by evoking meaningful feeling. When it comes time for them to deliver their solutions for any project of yours, they are ready and have all that is required. They listen attentively so as provide you with an optimal outcome everytime. By taking advantage of their services, you can receive superior digital/offline marketing and strategy consultations, web design and development expertise, ecommerce solutions, graphic designs for creating an impressive brand image. They also provide SEO positioning advice to boost your online presence as well as full-blown digital transformations for companies looking to enhance their operations. Plus multimedia content creation is available too.
Good Land
Good Land
Goodland is a communication and Digital Branding agency, with the aim of developing its clients' business through communication. Goodland is currently working on the development of innovative strategies and solutions that make it possible to successfully differentiate and position global and local clients. At Goodland, its twenty-plus employees are in a constant state of excitement. They love until they lose their minds, with butterflies in their stomachs. They are transparent, no magic tricks, no tricks up your sleeve. They face difficult challenges, dream with their eyes open and jump with their eyes closed. Among the services they offer are: Strategy: both brand and offline, digital and social, product and content. Creativity: which includes Corporate & Editorial design, off/on campaigns, branding and packaging, direct and promotional marketing... Planning: including marketing consulting, market research, and campaign and media planning Production: for example, web development, audiovisual production, production of events and fairs, graphic and editorial production, and illustration and photography.
Squembri is an advertising, communication and design agency. At Squembri they take advantage of them to find the most original way to carry out each project. This is how they have evolved as an advertising agency for more than fifteen years, which have made them have a staff of between eleven and fifty employees. Since 2007 they communicate, design and improve the business and cultural fabric that surrounds them. His main goal is to make this world a more pleasant, fun and attractive place. And if during the process they can have a great time, all the better. Its three main specialties are the following: Design, which includes graphic design, web design, brand design, illustration, packaging and editorial design. Advertising, which includes advertising strategy, advertising concept, media planning, SEM, social media advertising and brand activation. Communication, including branding, online reputation, Social Network management, copywriting, SEO and corporate communication.

MicroInfluencer Agency in Marbella

Forming relationships with micro-influencers is a powerful tactic for business owners to reach and engage customers. Typically, anyone who has 10k - 50k followers falls into this category; although some agencies even extend these numbers to 100k. With their ability to create content on any topic such as fashion, beauty, food, parenting, music or travel that resonates with specific audiences via social media channels like Instagram, Snapchat & TikTok – Micro influencers have the potential power of converting followers into paying customers.

When choosing a MicroInfluencers agency in Marbella, due diligence is essential. Ensure that they have undeniable proficiency within your sector and do not be afraid to request an offer before making any decisions. Taking the extra time now will save you headaches down the road.

TikTok Agency in Marbella

When it comes to conquering the TikTok marketing platform, businesses in Marbella are turning to experienced and creative digital marketing agencies for assistance. Each TikTok agency in Marbella employs professionals dedicated to creating, launching and tracking ad campaigns tailored specifically for each target audience. Not only do these trusted providers have a proven track record of success on the platform, but they also specialize across various industries and are available globally.

How to choose an Influencer Marketing Agency in Marbella

Influencer Marketing is a powerful tool to help businesses of all sizes expand their reach, capture attention and bolster sales. With the field's continually changing landscape and ever-increasing number of influencers, it can be hard for companies to keep up with their competition. This is why they turn to experienced Influencer Marketing Agencies in Marbella, who are able to assist them throughout their strategies journey, fill any gaps that may exist regarding knowledge or expertise, and ensure successful campaigns. When selecting your Influencer Marketing Agency in Marbella, always keep these crucial points at heart:

  • Above all else, prioritize speed and professionalism.
    Crafting a customized proposal that is tailored to your company and your specific needs greatly increases the potential for success in the future. Such an agency can help give your business a competitive edge by taking into account both current trends and long-term goals.
  • The agency must have experience in your field.
    When choosing an agency, ensure that they possess familiarity with your industry and request to view the businesses they work with.
  • Technology for success.
    Steer clear of any agency that does not use influencer management software - it is an absolute must-have.
  • You must have realistic expectations.
    While quality services do not come cheap, you do not have to break the bank either. If an agency is promising results by month one, it is best to look for another provider; positive outcomes typically start to appear between months three and four.

Influencer Agency in Marbella Prices

As influencer marketing continues to grow globally, so does the competition. Many companies are dedicating a portion of their annual budget to influencer marketing, but it remains difficult to succeed. In Marbella, there may be more opportunities than in other cities, but that does not make the competition any easier.
The prices that influencers in Marbella charge for their services depend on many factors, such as engagement, followers, and the type of content. Prices can vary from 10 Euros per publication up to 74,000. To help you get an estimate of how much an influencer might charge for your project, Le Guide Noir has created a calculator. You just have to enter the Instagram username in the calculator to know the result.

How much does an Influencer Marketing Agency in Marbella cost?

The cost of an influencer marketing agency in Marbella can vary quite a bit, with some companies charging between 500 and 50,000 Euros per month. It is crucial to know your goals before speaking with any agency. The most expensive company is not necessarily going to provide the best results, however, you usually get what you pay for with these types of services.
Do not get carried away by numbers when researching influencer agencies in Marbella. Instead, focus on the value they can bring to your business. If you choose a reputable agency, their fees are an investment that will pay for itself several times over. To gauge the ROI you could receive, look at the companies they work with and their results. will help you find the perfect influencer agency in Marbella for you in just five minutes. The team is experienced and dedicated to helping you make the best possible decision.

What services does an Influencer Marketing agency in Marbella offer?


Influencer marketing agencies in Marbella help their clients with the entire process of an influencer marketing campaign from start to finish. Services include:

  • Complete campaign: Search, contact, negotiation, execution and monitoring.
  • Product Placement.
  • Payment with product.
  • Ambassadors Program.
  • Event tracking.
  • Management of contests.

Influencer Company in Marbella

With so many Influencer Marketing companies in Marbella promising exceptional results for your business, it can be difficult to choose the right one. As you research different agencies, keep in mind that not all of them will be able to deliver what they promise. Instead of rushing into a decision, take your time and find an agency in Marbella that is reliable and has a proven track record.

Influencer Marketing in Marbella

An influencer marketing agency in Marbella can help you take your social media presence to the next level. They will develop a strategy tailored specifically to your business, create original content, identify relevant influencers, and measure results so you can see your return on investment. Thanks to their experience in this field, working with an agency in Marbella is the best way to guarantee the success of your campaigns on social networks.

Why hire an Influencer Marketing agency in Marbella?


Although influencer marketing is one of the most popular forms of marketing, it is crucial to have an experienced team to avoid any disaster. What are the advantages of hiring an influencer marketing agency in Marbella?

  • 1. Experience: You are more likely to succeed when you work with a team that knows how to achieve it.
  • 2. Costs: An agency that works with influencers is usually up to 60% cheaper than a traditional company.
  • 3. Time: Time is a key factor, and the savings can be significant.
  • 4. They handle everything for you: from search and selection to negotiation, execution and measurement.
  • 5. Technology: Only work with agencies that use technology, ask about it.